What We Offer

New Parent Packets

Information is provided to new families with a pre- or postnatal diagnosis of Down syndrome. We provide up-to-date resources, including information about what Down syndrome is, prenatal testing, and important programs such as WV Birth to Three. Each packet is custom packed to meet each family's unique needs!

To request a packet, use our New Family Intake Form!

Medical Outreach

Partnerships with OBGYN offices and birthing centers/hospitals are crucial to bringing awareness to our Network and what we have to offer families in WV. We also offer information on prenatal testing, diagnosis delivery, and available supports.


Events for families are held throughout the year, usually at low or  no cost to the family! In the past, we have hosted learning conferences, World Down Syndrome Day parties, Christmas dinners, Down Syndrome Month events, and picnics. 

Be sure to follow our social media for announcements of upcoming events, and check out our "Events" tab for more information!

Medical Outreach Partners:

Want your name or company to appear here? Contact Us to participate in one of our trainings!

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